Natural Oral Care For Healthy And White Teeth

Natural Oral Care For Healthy And White Teeth

Sometimes you might see someone hesitating to smile whole heartedly, that may be because he is not having the right dental health. Natural oral care can help you bring out your most bright and radiant smile.

Having the correct oral hygiene is the best care you can offer for your teeth and gums. Good oral hygiene is very essential for preserving the proper functioning of your teeth.

Not only poor dental health affects your self-esteem and lowers your confidence level but also takes a toll on your physical health as well. For instance, when your mouth and gum is in a healthy state, you are at a lesser risk of having any dental disease and your overall health is at an optimum level.

Symptoms of healthy mouth:

  • Absence of swollen or tender gum
  • Absence of dental problems like gum bleeding
  • No bleeding during flossing or teeth brushing
  • Pleasant breath and absence of bad breath or known as halitosis

Poor Oral health diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal problems: Any kind of bacterial infection in the mouth and gum can lead to stomach problems like improper bowel discharge, intestinal failure, and gastric ulcer.
  • Cold sores: itchy and painful mouth blisters caused by virus called herpes simplex virus.
  • Gum disease: Gum diseases can cause oral bleeding, inflammation, swelling, formation of plague, teeth yellowing, dry mouth and other such diseases.
  • Bad Breath: Poor dental health habits can cause bad breath or halitosis as it is also known as, is the unpleasant odor from the mouth due to bacteria buildup between teeth
  • Cardiovascular Disease: Plaque gains entry from the mouth to the heart, arteries, and blood vessels. Plaque usually builds up in the blood vessels. This build up leads to clogged arteries and blood clots.
  • Oral Cancer: Poor dental health can cause fatal oral cancer like throat cancer, cancer of lips, and soft palate of mouth, tongue and cheek.

Natural homemade teeth whitening products:

Natural oral hygiene products are safe to use as they are free of chemicals that are responsible for degrading the quality of your teeth.

1. Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen Peroxide is a commercial bleaching product used as a natural disinfectant and teeth whitening product. You can use half warm water and half hydrogen peroxide, move around in your mouth for about one minute, and then rinse finally.

2. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda: Mix a small quantity of hydrogen peroxide with a small volume of baking soda and make a paste that can helps eliminate plaque from teeth and provide natural teeth protection.

3. Use Apple cider vinegar: Is an effective natural gum and teeth cleanser that can remove coffee and nicotine stains from teeth. You can apply it using your finger and rubbing it on your teeth for about one minute before rinsing with water or hydrogen peroxide solution.

4. Always brush after eating and drinking: If you are a coffee drinker or a smoker, you are sure to develop discolored and stained teeth over the time. Always, develop the habit of drinking a glass of plain water after meals and also brushing on a daily basis after every meals and drinks.

5. Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal is commercially used as the best teeth whitening powder to remove plague, teeth stains, avoid gum diseases and to overall improve your oral hygiene. Break the charcoal capsule to get the powder, then wet a toothbrush and dip into powder to brush for about three minutes in a circular motion before finally rinsing with warm water. For quick results, apply activated charcoal two to three times in a week.